Friday, March 09, 2007

Clipper Ventures Race Around the World

Do you ever have that thought that little old ordinary you wants to sail around the world? It's a daunting dream and one that very few folks can ever hope to accomplsh. Enter famous sailor, Robert Knox Johnson, the first man to circum in a race. Back in 96' he put together a race that was open to that ordinary person who wants to break out of their comfort zone and do something epic with their lives. No experience neccesary. Ordinary people doing extrodinary things is their credo. The race has 18 stops along the way and you get to skip Cape Horn and head thru the canal instead. There is still time to join the race if you are so inclined as they depart from Liverpool in September 07 and should return in July 08. Are you ready for the adventure of your life??

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