Monday, May 28, 2007

The Frisbee Turns 50!

I have a long and heartfelt relationship with this wonderful piece of plastic. It started on a beach in Delaware in the early 60's. My Dad and I used to toss a little back then. He showed me how to throw it in the air so it would fly into the wind and then back into my hands after 5 or 6 seconds. That was cool. In college at UNLV, we would play for hours on the field or in the street next to our apartment. Then I reconnected a guy named Steve Peterson who changed everything. In 1979, he introduced me to Ultimate Frisbee. It was only a two on two game at Goldey Beacom College on Limestone Road but it changed the direction of my life! I was hooked! I went on to help form a team at UNLV in 1979 called the High Rollers. After I graduated, I formed a team at Stanford called SCUM O' Earth. We played hard and went to many a tournament but rarely did we rise to the top over the next 10 years. We still managed to have the time of our lives and made bonds that still stand today. Ultimate is still in our blood, however only a handful of us still play this young man's game. Many of us still toss and play an occasional round of Frisbee golf. For more history on the last 50 years, fly on over to this page.

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