Wednesday, June 06, 2007 - Unlimited Music for Free!

There is a new free music service in town. Lala lets you preview full albums from the Warner label, upload your music library and allows you to trade your old music CD's for $1. You can also listen to tons of radio stations on the site. One feature they mention is listening to the others uploaded libraries, but I have not figured that one out yet. Go to the site and sign up. Then download their music player which sits on my menu bar (on a mac). The service will launch thru your browser and begin uploading your music to it's server. You can now access you music on any computer and sync it with your ipod as well. That's prety cool. Oh yea, you can buy the music DRM free and rock out! Check it out here.
Click on the pic for a larger view of the "back" catalog of Pink Floyd album covers.

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