Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tania Aebi Sets Sail Once Again

If you have never heard of her, you should read her best selling book "Maiden Voyage." Tania Aebi was an eighteen-year-old dropout, a bicycle messenger in New York City by day, a Lower East Side barfly at night. In short, she was going nowhere - until her father offered her a challenge: Tania could choose either a college education or a twenty-six-foot sloop. The only catch was that if she chose the sailboat, she'd have to sail around the world - alone. She chose the boat, and for the next two and a half years and 27,000 miles, it was her home. With only her cat as companion, she discovered the wondrous beauties of the Great Barrier Reef and the death-dealing horrors of the Red Sea. She suffered through a terrifying collision with a tanker in the Mediterranean and a lightning storm off the coast of Gibraltar. And, ultimately, what began with the sheer desire for adventure turned into a spiritual quest as Tania came to terms with her troubled family life, fell in love for the first time, and - most of all - confronted her own needs, desires, dreams, and goals. She ended up a hero to many and her book is a must read.

Now after many years of raising a family, she is out on the water again with her kids aboard Shangri La, a Devilliers 36 steel cutter. Read about her ongoing adventures as she gets ready to embark on her next

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