Thursday, December 20, 2007

Bay Days

I am just returning from a beautiful 3 day sail on the bay. It started on Sunday night about 9 with a night sail. The winds were about 15 knots and there was a sprinkle here and there. Your senses turn on in high gear at night and it was amazing on the bay. As soon as I got in, it started raining. Needless to say, I was the only one out. Monday it looked like it might rain but it did not. Went out for a great sail with an old friend Jason. The wind was in the low teens and made for a nice break from the 30's we seemed to have all summer. We made it over to South Beach and dropped into A-6. Two other sailing buddies joined us for a harvest dinner on the boat. What a nice night. I slept in til about 9:30 and it was raining pretty hard. By 2pm, I had cleaned up the boat and it was clear and breezy! I headed out with a destination of Sausalito. The wind was pretty strong until I hit Angel and then it dropped. I added the main to the jib only configuration and took off for a nice run across the bay. Had a quiet night in Sausalito with dinner at my favorite Thai place. Wednesday I got on the water at 9:15 and the breeze was up again! Had a lovely sail back home in light winds and fighting the ebbing tide. The boat was in fine shape as we had spent the last three weekends working on her. What a great way to start the holidays! Hope you have a cool yule!

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