Friday, April 25, 2008


Yesterday we had a visit to The Baths. We arrived at 9am with a breakfast of Eggs Benedict and Bloody Mary's. Not too shabby. We swam in and this is an impressive display of granite. Apparently, a volcano deposited the non-native rocks to this location many ions ago. The lava has eroded away leaving house size boulders strewn about. The beach was pretty crowded as this is the most popular attraction in the BVI. We hiked through the rocks to Devil's Bay and then had a swim. Very cool hike but not very comfortable for a guy who is 6'6". In one instance you have to squat down to get into the small passage ways. I made it and it was worth it. The highlight for me was the snorkeling amongst the rocks. Beautiful fish, a ray and incredible formations of both coral and rock. We did the entire length of The Baths and it was fantastic. Very surgey but worth it. For dinner, the chef prepared a curry shrimp with snow peas that was scrumptious. Along with mojitos made with Panamanian rum. After a game of liars dice we hit the tramp in front of the boat for a peek at the Southern Cross and some shooting stars. If you haven't noticed we are having a fabulous time. Our crew is really making sure we are happy and having the time of our lives!!

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