Monday, June 02, 2008

Ball Park Sail

McCovey Cove on a "busy" day.

I had plans to meet some friends at the Giants game on Friday night. Got up to the boat around 2:30 and it was blowing 20-25kts. Had a great run to Angel with the boat steering herself and me enjoying this fine day on the bay. As I tacked towards the city the wind was over 30 and I had a very small jib up along with the full main. I usually I like to have a slip at South Beach for the game but tonight they were booked up with a visiting boat club in town for the weekend. So instead, I planned to anchor in McCovey Cove (right where the homers hit the water) and then paddle to the game. I arrived about 5:30 and cleaned things up and then relaxed a little before my friends arrived. At 6:45 I paddled over and stowed the kayak and headed over to the game. The Giants ended up losing in the 13th but we were there to witness the first triple play by the Giants at home in 28 years! I said goodnight to my friends and headed back to the boat. Just as I got settled the fireworks show began just off the stern of the boat. I was able to stand at the bottom of the stairs and watch the show out of the wind. It was really spectacular! At that point I decided to spend the night in McCovey Cove. Put on some music and relaxed in the salon. Slept like a baby and then went for a sunrise sail with tea and blueberry pancakes in the cockpit as I sailed up the city front. Finished that up just as I hit the big wind line just past Pier 39 at 7am. Had a great sail home and then took a nap on the boat before I headed home at 11am. What a nice little adventure to start the weekend!

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