Monday, July 28, 2008

Cool App on iPhone

My wife upgraded to the 3g iPhone last week and gave me her old 2g phone. I didn't think I needed a smart phone until I got one. Wow! It's amazing all the great things this device can do. So I went to the App Store and downloaded a few free apps. The app that really impressed me was Remote. It turns your iPhone into a remote for your Apple TV and iTunes on your computer. I never liked the fact that I had to turn on my TV to listen to music with the Apple TV. With Remote, all your playlists and music are available instantly on your iPhone through your WIFI network! Not only that, you get all the artwork as well. Now that I have gotten into it, I have also discovered Remote Buddy which is even a more powerful remote tool with the same idea as Remote. If you have an iPhone and love music, you should give this a try. It's free!

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