Monday, August 18, 2008

Baja Ha Ha 2008

This October 26th marks the 15th edition of the Baja Haha. This is a 750 mile cruiser rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas at the southern tip of Baja California. Last year there were 150 or so boats and about 500 folks enjoying the beatiful Pacific Ocean along the Mexican coast. There are two stops along the way, one in Turtle Bay, and another in Bahia Santa Maria. The last leg is a 36 hour hop to Cabo. It takes about 12 days to complete the journey and from what I have read to is the trip of a lifetime for many folks. The big news is, I plan to sail it this year! Not on my boat, but on someone else's. Who's boat you might ask? Well the way this works is there will be a crew party in early September and all the boat owners and potential crew members get together and the folks looking to get on a boat try to sell themselves to the boat owners and help them sail their boats down the coast. There is certainly a chance I will not get on a boat, but with my 25 years of sailing the bay, owning a boat on the bay for 8 years and my passion for all things sailing, I think my chances are good. As a matter of fact, maybe some of my readers are going and need a hand! Please contact me and let's talk! Please contact me at

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