Monday, September 08, 2008

Learning the Ropes of Long Distance Cruising

Mahina Expeditions has been helping folks get the experience and confidence to voyage with their own boat. You sign up and join the boat for a leg of cruising in places like Scotland, the Azores, the South Pacific and New Zealand to name a few. You are expected to be involved in every aspect of the cruise and play a key role in moving the boat. Classroom time onboard is 3-5 hours per day. The boat is well founded HR 46 and is set up for 4 students and two crew. The cruise is not cheap but it will give a real feel of what shipboard life is all about. Take a look at their itineraries for the next several years and come on aboard! For more info, click here.


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. Thanks for findng the national geo vid of Sydney Hobart. Keep up the great work mate!

  2. Thanks, man. I have been lagging lately but am back in the swing of things. Hope you are well and sailing the high seas!
