Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Roz Completes Her First Leg to Hawaii!

Roz Savage completed her row from San Francisco to Honolulu on September 1, 2008, completing the first of three legs of her journey! On May 25, 2008, Roz Savage rowed beneath the Golden Gate Bridge and into the Pacific Ocean, which she is attempting to cross — rowing solo and eventually ending up in Australia. She has already completed such a journey across the Atlantic, and is using her adventures to raise awareness of environmental issues and inspire others to rise to their own challenges. She is an amazing lady who grew tired of her boring office job in the UK and decided to challenge herself with a row across the Atlantic. And she did it! This was her second attempt to get to the old Sandwich Islands. On her first try, she was rolled twice about 400 miles from SF. A coast guard chopper told her she had to make a decision as they were at their cut off point from land. She reluctantly abandoned ship and set her sights on another attempt. Congrats to you Roz and keep on keeping on!

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