Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Big Storms Hit the Bay Area

A series of four major storms have hit the bay area and beyond. Since Sunday we have seen some impressive rainfall totals. In Tahoe they have received as much as 6-8 feet of new snow. The rain is falling all along the west coast and a tornado touched down yesterday in Socal. They say this is the result of an El Nino in the Southern Hemisphere. We need the rain badly as we have been in a drought for the last three years and the reservoirs are down around 75%. With all the rain, I went up to the boat to check on her between storms. I took a tour of the Addiction and was surprised how dry she was on the port side. We have been battling a leaky chain plate for years and after another round of rebedding the chainplate, it looks good. The bilge was fine, the ports were all locked and tight and the batteries in good shape. I tightened up the dock lines and secured the kayak. Right now winds are out of the south at 50 and building. She should ride out the storm and be good to go for a weekend sail.

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