Friday, March 12, 2010

Doing the Ha Ha in 2010!!

I have been dreaming of an adventure down the coast for so long it makes my eyes red just thinking about it. I had hoped to go in 2008 but it was not to be. This year, if all goes well, I will be on a boat to Cabo on the 25th of October! For those not familiar, the Baja Ha Ha is in it's 17th year. It's a cruisers rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas. This is a 750 mile "race" down the West coast of Baja with 150 boats and 500-600 folks. There are two stops that break up the trip and allow everyone to catch their breath as they cruise down the coast. The first stop is Turtle Bay and gives folks about 48 hours to party, rest, and kick back. Then it's off to Bahia Santa Maria for another stop with a band, lobsters and a ton of fun on the beach. Last stop is Cabo and one last party. If luck would have it, maybe one of my readers is preparing to go and needs a hand. Let me know as I would be happy to send my sailing resume that includes 25 years of sailing. Heck, I may have forgotten more about sailing that you'll ever know! And you can bet we will be sending reports via satphone and keeping our readers abreast of the current happenings! It's gonna be out of this world!! Check out the Ha Ha site here.

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