Tuesday, March 02, 2010

SF Sailing Bloggers Sailebration

Recently the east coast blogging contingent got together for a blogging party. I am hoping to do one better to celebrate my 5th anniversary of blogging. I propose a sail on the Addiction with our San Francisco bloggers. I'm thinking EVK4, Horses Mouth, O Docker, Zen, and maybe frogma could fly out! What do you guys think?? It would be a ton of fun to meet you all and I can't think of a better way to celebrate. I am thinking about a day sail out of Emeryville on our Newport 30. Any other sail bloggers of note from the bay area that I missed? Let's party!


  1. Sunday, April !8 at 11am

  2. Sorry, I'm just seeing this, but I'd be game.

    I think Greg, of Love and Coconuts said he would be in SF the weekend of March 27-8.

  3. I will be sending out an evite to all shortly!

  4. Sounds fun, but I'll be in Japan. I'll be back in May I'm game for another day!
