Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Four Pirates - One Dream

Four mates get together and decide it's time to leave their world behind and head to the sea. They are working towards buying a very nice Catalina 400 and setting sail. A voyage of discovery, not only for themselves but of themselves. I'm kind of jealous as these twenty somethings make their plans to depart on a three year circumnavigation of the planet. I wish I had the vision to make this happen before life got in the way. Here are some words from the captain, "I have a love of the ocean that even during my later years in Dallas, Texas can't be forgotten. Everyday I dream about being on the water with my 3 closest friends exploring the world on our terms... no schedule, no one telling us what to think, & no bull. I can't wait to take a break from a society that tells us we will never be good enough without the newest clothing, cars, & flat screen tv's. As one of my favorite musicians, Zach Scott Pohl, would sing... I simply need to Get back to Zero". Please visit their blog and get ready to follow them on the high seas as their conquer their world. You can read more here. If you like, you can support their efforts by purchasing some of their swag. Shiver me timbers!

1 comment:

  1. Arrrrgh, I've heard of these guys before but didn't know what their website was. Thanks for the link.
