Thursday, April 08, 2010

Happy Birthday H2uh0 - Five Years!

I started this blog 5 years ago with a post about two boats that had come to a bad ending just outside the Golden Gate on the same weekend. The crew on both boats survived but both boats were lost. The one that intrigued me the most was the two sailors that were coming in towards the south tower of the bridge on a Santana 22 and got caught in a monster wave and had a spectacular roll over in the wave. You can view the slide show here. What was amazing about this accident was there was a photographer on shore with a high speed camera and he caught the whole sequence on film. It became an internet sensation. At the time I was following Horse's Mouth and Wetass Chronicles. These guys were my hero's. When these accidents happened, I realized there was a niche to be filled and why not use these situations as a learning platform for those that follow my blog. I quickly realized that accidents don't happen everyday and that I would need to fill the void with my other interests (surfing, windsurfing, sailing, my own sailing experiences, technology and astronomy). I have really enjoyed sharing the interesting things I find as well as my experiences on our Newport 30 as she sails on the San Francisco Bay. Hope you enjoy my new layout and my posts as we head towards the next horizon. Thanks to Captain Black for his help on the redesign of my blog. We also welcome him to the sailing blogosphere! Cheers to all the sailing bloggers out there and we will see you on the water!!


  1. Craig, glad I could help and thank you for reference/link and welcome! Happy Anniversary and may we all see your blog continue for many years to come.

  2. Happy anniversary! Found your blog a little while ago and been enjoying it. Keep it going!

  3. congrats on 5 years! that's awesome. I just found your blog after handbreit linked back to you for the "lol" drowning pic (hilarious, btw).

    cheers, my2fish

  4. Thanks you guys! I hoe you will continue to join me on the journey and not have any H2uh0's of your own.

    Cheers and be jolly!

  5. Congratulations and here's to good blogging and time on the water!
