Friday, April 30, 2010

Sail To Angel Island

My friend Andy and I had a nice little overnighter to Angel Island the other day. I sailed over to meet him at the Giants game. I hit a pretty bad wind and rain storm on the way with winds in the 30's coming over Yerba Buena with a bit of katabatic wind coming down the hill. Made it over to the game and met Andy. We had seats in right field next to a boisterous crowd. The Giants had this game but after a pitching change they lost. Undaunted we headed for the marina and met a fellow sailor with a new to him Islander 36. We took a look and then challenged him to a race to Sam's in Tiburon. He had a nice head start and more sails up than us in the 25 knot winds. We got to Sam's and had a drink and talked a bit to the locals. Then it was over to the moorings at Angel. We had a nice bbq dinner on the boat and talked about our days growing up in Delaware and the great times we shared. I had planned to take Kona over to the island for a run on the beach but the wind was blowing so hard, I never would have had a chance getting back to the boat. Good thing we were secure on the mooring. Kona would have to hold it. Up before the sun and over to the beach with Kona on our handy kayak. I knew the tide was out and we decided to head out before low tide. We barely made it out and had to plow thru some soft mud to get to the deep water. Ended up in Sausalito for a nice breakfast just drifting in the wind and current. Had a great sail home in about 15 knots. Great way to break up the week with an old chum from my childhood. Aloha!

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