Monday, April 26, 2010

Sail to the City

I headed to the boat about 4pm on Saturday. I had some friends meeting in San Francisco for some drinks so why not sail over and join them. The wind was in the low 20's so Kona and I headed out. My golden of 2 years is getting to be a great boat dog and sailor. We got to Pier 1.5 promtly at 6pm and saw the new $1M dock in disrepair. Someone hit it and damaged it about a year ago. There is now a very small dock that can accommodate only 3-4 boats at a time. A friendly group invited me to side tie. I went up to meet my friends and they were delayed by traffic and lack of parking. We finally met up and everyone jumped on the boat. We headed out for sunset and then over to McCovey Cove to see the end of the baseball game. Well you can't see the game from the water but it's cool to hang there and listen to the roar of the crowd. The Giants won so we headed back. I dropped them at the dock and headed home. The wind was perfect for the sail home with 10-12 knots pushing us along. My wife is out of town and my son was at a sleep over so I decided to keep sailing on this beautiful almost full moon night. The wind died about 1am so I motored home and slept on the boat. Another amazing adventure on the bay under my belt!

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