Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Ultra Cool Cruiser

Take a look at the innovations of this cool cruiser - The JP54. She is as light as she is fast. A canting keel and carbon everything means she can surf to 20 knots and get you to your destination safe and sound. The coolest part of the boat is the nav station pivots to windward to keep you flat on the water. Need to enter a shallow creek? Cant the keel in one direction and pivot the nav station to the opposite side and you have a flat, shallow draft cruiser. I love the direction this is going to take cruising boats. Now if I could just find that Powerball lottery ticket from last week!

By the by, I am off on one of my favorite sailing sojourns today. A sail to the Giants game against the Phillies and then over to Angel Island for an overnight in Ayala Cove. Going with my childhood best friend, Andy, who is visiting from Tahoe. Should be a fantastic trip!

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