Monday, May 24, 2010

Kaboom 2010

2010 KFOG Kaboom! Fireworks from KFOG Radio 104.5/97.7 on Vimeo.

What a wild night! The wind was in the 30's as we headed out to Kaboom. We had a boat full of friends, food and fun. With the wind blowing hard, we had to motor sail to get towards our destination. They changed the location to Candlestick Point this year and it was 12 miles to the show. The boat did well and we made it in 2 hours. The waves calmed down closer to land and we found a nice spot to anchor. Paul set her down and the mud and the anchor did the rest. We were secure. We had about 2 hours to socialize and eat! Had a great spread and some wine to top it off. Just before the show, some friends from Got Wind and Water showed up and they said they would like to raft up. The wind had died a bit and so yes let's do this. Now we had eight more folks to join the party! Their radio was out and the cool part about the fire works is that they synch it to a great rock soundtrack. We put our speakers on the deck and cranked it up. The fire works were spectacular. The second song was Poker Face and happy faces were exploding around us. We were front and center and for the second year in a row, we scored on positioning the boat. Being anchored was nice for me as I didn't have to worry about moving the boat around through the crowd. We waited a little bit after the show so folks could clear out. Our sail home was with all sails up and the night sailing past San Francisco was excellent. Got home at 1am and was very happy with another safe and memorable show! Thanks KFOG!

1 comment:

  1. Diana DeMeo5:48 PM

    As a virgin passenger on this boat, I have to say I had a great time! Finally got to realize my dream of Kaboom from the water. Great people, thanks so much for making me feel welcome! Diana
