Friday, July 23, 2010

What is it that makes us love sailing so much?

After having caught the sailing bug back in the early 1980's, I have become more and more addicted to sailing. I think about the things that attract me to the sport. Being on the water is a big part of it. Also where I sail is an attraction. Some say the sailing on our SF bay is some of the best in the world. Not only from a wind standpoint (it blows 20-35 most every day, less in the winter) but from a beauty standpoint as well. The thing that I love about sailing is that there are so many elements in play when you are sailing the bay with friends, the music is on, the wildness of the wind and waves, the sun sparkling on the distant water, this invisible force pushing you and your boat along a watery cloud, and then finally getting to your destination safe and dry. Here is one of my favorite sailing quotes:

"Something about sailing a boat brings so many senses and sensations into play that it's very difficult to pinpoint what it is specifically that makes me like it so much: the sight of sails and sheets overhanging the water; the foam and spray flying as the bow cuts the water; the motion of the boat; the physical and mental ballet necessary to handle the boat correctly. A sailboat might just be the most beautiful, sensuous and intelligent blend of man/machine/and elements that exists in the world today. The relationship between the three is the most harmonious I have experienced so far. Besides you can have a beer while you do it". --anonymous

So what is it that you like about sailing?? Maybe you have sailed the world, maybe you have been on a boat only once. What was it that you enjoyed and what are the elements that draw you to the water. Please tell us about it and leave a comment. And fair seas to you if you do!


  1. The beer. Definitely the beer.

  2. Yes indeed! Thanks Tillerman!

  3. William Budd2:52 PM

    It allows me to be human, bird and fish all at once. It takes me away from yellow hash marks, yellow journalism and yellow sky. For a while it takes me to another world, one where what you know is far more important than who to...

  4. ... and pizza. Pizza goes well with beer after sailing.

  5. The water is hypnotic.
    And sailboats, beyond anything else made by humans, are quite the artistic and graceful way of becoming part of the natural environment.

  6. We are all floating souls and it must be the lure of the sea and the adventure
