Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Sailing Speed Record 54.10k

Speed sail records falls like domino brick in the Luderitz Speed Challenge 2010. Alex Caizergues has set a new World Speed Sailing Record at 54.10 knots on a 500 meter run. That’s over 100 km/h an a board with a kite.

Most of the speed junkies in the sailing world are gathered in Namibia for the Luderitz Speed Challenge 2010. This is the place where records have fallen before, and this week amazing things have happened again.

Last year French Alexandre Caizergues became the fastest kiteboarder in the planet with an average speed of 50.98 knots in 501 meters. The World Sailing Speed Record Council (WSSRC) ratified the new World Record.

Tuesday October 12th he did it again with his kite. He averaged 54.10 knot over a 500 meter course. The record has to be ratified by the WSSRC before it’s final.

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