Friday, November 21, 2014

Breaking: Bermuda Will Host Next Cup

My sources tell me that the America's Cup will be held in Bermuda in 2017.   The announcement should come later today from Team Oracle.  Speaking under the condition of anonymity, they went on to say that San Diego just does not have enough wind to fly these beasts (their words).  While their is little shock to their decision, it is disappointing that SF was dropped from contention due to the fact that Larry and the SF City Council did not get along.  Larry made some promises that he later bowed out of and the City claimed they were $11m in the hole after the races completed.  I think that was a very short sighted view on the part of the City as the world wide exposure from the event will pay dividends for years to come.  The excitement on those piers during the races is something that I hope we see again but doubt that it will come to be in my lifetime.  I wish the best to the future cups but I doubt we will ever see a race that was as exciting as we saw on the bay they call San Francisco!

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