Monday, December 01, 2014

Bonehead Move of the Month/Year?

Volvo Ocean Race Accident.  Early Sunday Team Vestas Wind went aground on a reef on Cargados Carajos Shoals, Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean.  Fortunately, no one has been injured.  They have abandoned ship and are safe.  How do some of the top sailors in the world hit a charted reef at 18 knots?  A boat filled with many round the world sailors.
Lord knows and shit happens on the open ocean and in inland bays.  Just goes to show you that this can be a brutal sport.  Hopefully they will be able to get the boat off the reef at some point.


  1. But you can't see the reef in their navigation program unless you "zoom in." Who would bother to zoom in when you are racing in the middle of the ocean?

    I don't "zoom in" to look for reefs when I'm racing on SailX, so why would I in the real world?

  2. Same thing happened to Aegean a couple years back when they hit North Coronado Island and everyone perished. Always a good idea to look at the micro as well as the macro.

  3. Of course my comment was meant to be a joke. But maybe that is the real truth?

  4. You use charts...and having a standing watch. At night you need to be very prudent.
