Monday, January 19, 2015

Hunky Dory - How I Almost Lost Her

About 15 years ago I was determined to find a boat to sail. Not sure what I wanted but it had to be under $500. I was at a lake and saw a note about a boat for sale. I contacted the gentleman and went to see the boat. He had owned for a while and was getting out of boating. She was a wooden Banks Dory that had been built in a shop class by a local school. She must be 20 years old by now. Anyway, I took the leap on this 16' open sail boat. She had a 505 rig and needed new paint and lots of work. Once I had her home, I had to put her in the water to make sure she still floats. There is a small slough near our house with a boat ramp. I took her down there to put her in the water. It was a low tide and the ramp was steep but I was determined to get her wet. I backed her down and went back to release the line holding her on the trailer. As soon as she started sliding into the water the rope broke and off she went into the water. The tide was flooding pretty good and off she went down the slough. OMG, there goes my boat!! Here I am running down the slough trying to catch up to my boat thinking I may not get her back.  Sure enough there was a bend in the river and she got caught up in some weeds.  My heart is pounding and I am thankful I got her back.   Had her for about 12 years and some great sails on the sloughs, bay and lakes nearby.  I even ended up on the front page of a local paper with me and my old golden Sierra sailing that same slough.  What a great dog and an amazing old boat.  Gave the boat away a few years back.

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