Thursday, January 08, 2015

Pics Of the New Year

Are you ready for 2015?  Is this the year you buy a boat, sail the tropics, begin your cruise of a lifetime?  It's never too late to start your dream.  I began my journey 14 years ago when I purchased my first keel boat.  I did not want to spend a ton on boating so I enlisted some friends and stared a boat partnership.  We now have 6 partners and each pay $100/month (just $3 a day/partner) to cover the costs of ownership.  Sailing does not have to be an expensive sport if you take your time and plan.  Here was my criteria for finding our boat;  30 feet in length, strong diesel, legal head, sleeps 4, wheel steering, sloop, and turnkey.  We found all that and much more in our 1981 Newport 30.  This was only the third boat I looked at and we have had so many great times aboard the Addiction.  The boat sails about 1000 nautical miles per year on the SF Bay.  We recently converted to an electric engine and been very pleased with the results.  It just keeps getting better!  So dream big and get out there on the water with your friends and family!  It will be worth it.  Here is a shot of our lovely lady!

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