Monday, March 20, 2017

Weekend on the Water!

My swimming buddy Joe from college drove out from Vegas to meet me for a weekend of sailing.  We headed up to the boat Friday morning and departed in light winds.  Our destination was South Beach in SF.  About 2pm we had 8-10 knots and it looked like we would not make it.  I even made plans with Tex when we returned to the dock.  About 2:30 the winds started picking up.  By 3pm, we had 15 knots and we are headed for SF.  We made it there shortly after 5pm and missed getting a key to the gates.  We could not go in or out without someone randomly coming by with a key.  It worked out OK and we headed to a restaurant for dinner.  Great meal and we headed back to the boat for some rest.  Up early for an egg scramble and a walk.  Another swim buddy Dave from UNLV was joining us, along with another friend, Neil.   We took off in light winds and hoped for the best.  We were next to the city front for several hours fighting the tide and light winds.  After lunch, the winds started to pick up and we were moving.  We had about 3 hours of good winds and great sailing.  About 4pm, we started heading back to Emeryville.  We slept on the boat that night and then cleaned up the boat and headed out for the beach.  So glad I got my friends together and we had some wind to enjoy!

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