Sunday, April 16, 2017

H2uh0 Celebrates 12 Years this Month!

On April 2, 2005, two sailboat accidents on the bay prompted me to start this humble blog.  The first of the two, happened at the Golden Gate, when a Santana 22 got too close to the south tower and a wave picked them up and took them into the surf zone.  Boat sank and they were rescued by the surfers.  The other accident happen during a race to and from the Farallons (a small uninhabited island 28 miles off the coast of SF).   A racer had popped the chute for the run home when he got overpowered and the kite put the boat on its side and he lost control of the boat.  The spinnaker pulled him onto the beach and the boat was lost.

My motivation in starting this blog was to alert sailors of accidents and hopefully we can learn from them.  The blog has become much more than that and it has become a joy to share my experiences on our Newport 30 as we explore the bay and beyond.

The next phase of this blog is to chronicle my journey into buying a new to me boat in the fall and our adventure to Australia in September 2018.  I having been dreaming about this trip since the early 80's when I first started sailing on rent a boats with a friend on the bay.  It has been an amazing process and one that I am very proud of.  Some of the highlights include: owning our boat for almost 17 years, six Baja Haha's, chartering boats in the BVI, Belize, Mexico and the Grenadines, 5-7 day trips on the bay and Delta, sharing the wonders of sailing with 100's of friends and family on our bay and having the America's Cup sailed in my own backyard with the flying 72's going 40 knots plus across the bay.

I hope you will join us we sail down the west coast to Ecuador and beyond into the South Pacific.  We depart in 16 months, and 22 days, 3 hours, 25 minutes and 23 seconds!!!!!

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