Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Gotta Get This!

Went for a sail on my friends new to him Newport 30 on Monday.  He liked sailing our N30 so much, he bought one for himself.  We headed out shortly after noon out of Sausalito.  The gents that owned the boat previously did not know much about the rigging set up and I was determined to make a few adjustments to get her into proper sailing form.  Winds were light so we shook out the reefed main in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge.  One of the reefing lines was not long enough and put a big crease in the sail, we will need to remedy that.  The head sail had a big wrinkle at the foot of the sail, we will need to raise the halyard all the way up.  We did a few other tweaks throughout the sail and finally got her dialed in towards the end of the 4 hour sail.  John is a happy camper!  With my knowledge of this boat after owning ours for 16 years, really gave us a leg up in tuning the rig on this fine vessel.  Bon voyage, John!

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