Tuesday, May 23, 2017

License to Chill

My wife and I were down in the Bahamas celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary a few years ago.  The resort we were at had a bunch of small Hobie Cats you could take out for a sail on the beautiful waters off the resort.  One fine morning, the wind was about perfect so I launched one of the cats off the beach.  There are about a half dozen others cats on the water.  I was ripping upwind when I realized there was no one around for a good mile or so and I decided this would be a great time to sail au naturale.  I was way upwind, when a small skiff came up behind me and motioned that I was too far upwind and I should go back.  I knew he also saw my naked ways and I might be in trouble.  I sailed back towards the resort with my trunks on and headed for the beach.  The manager comes running up the beach and he looks none too happy.  As I exit the boat I say to him, "There is a naked sailor out there, what should I tell him?".  He replies back, "Tell him to put his clothes on!".  Dodged a bullet there.  So after that episode, I decided to get a license so I would not have to deal with that anymore.  The license just arrived, see below.

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