Friday, June 23, 2017


Nostalgia is in my blood.  I love recalling the past and looking back over the 58 years that I have swum, sailed, water skied, kayaked, rafted, surfed, windsurfed, water poloed, boogie boarded, SCUBAed, skim boarded, catamaraned, and trimaraned this planet.   I do have some land based interests of course.  One includes the cinema and some TV.  I ran across a site that was looking back at movies and such and wanted to share some great pics with you.

 Jimmy the day before he left us for a higher calling.
 This is how they used to shop in London.

 Robert and Sarah
 I like the blond Lisa better.
 Mr. T
Oh, that's me?

One thing that really brings me back is music.  I used to listen to this great radio show called 10 at 10.  Ten great songs from one great year.  For example, they would play 1976, the year I graduated from high school.  They would play songs like, Love is Alive: Gary Wright, Bohemian Rhapsody: Queen, Golden Years: David Bowie, Lines on my Face: Peter Frampton, Slow Ride: Foghat, Evil Woman: ELO, Let's Do It Again: Staple Singers, Dream On: Areosmith and finally Sweet Thing: Rufus.  These songs take me right back to hanging out with my friends in the basement that year.  Think: That 70's Show.  I think back to some of the highlights of that year and it really makes me happy.  It's important to have memories and I believe the only way to have those memories is to keep thinking about them.  Dream on, Stevie!

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