Thursday, July 20, 2017

Making Your Dreams Come True!

I have had several dreams/goals in my life that I have accomplished and the biggest one is about to happen!

Here are some of the big ones that I have pursued and accomplished.
  1. Get a swimming scholarship and graduate from college. In 1976, my best friend and I received scholarships to UNLV. I had an amazing 4 years there. My swimming/water polo experience was the best. We traveled all over the west coast to meets. We also spent a week in Hawaii. I graduated with a degree in Hospitality Management.
  2. Move to California! I grew up in Delaware and I was an east coaster trapped in a west coast body. I surfed, skateboarded, swam and loved the water. I wanted to live on the west coast. In 1980, I got my chance. I interviewed with Hyatt Hotels and they offered me a job after college. Where would you like to work? Cali! I was offered a position in Monterey, CA. I moved into a bungalow 1 block from the beach in Carmel. I could not believe my luck. I surfed everyday, worked hard, and rode my bike up and down that beautiful peninsula. I eventually moved to the Bay Area where I have made my home for 36 years.
  3. Start my own business. I had worked for Hyatt and Marriott for many years and I was going nowhere financially. I met some folks in the event planning business and loved what they did. I joined them for a couple years and then started my own company called: Too Much Fun Club. We work with large companies in the Silicon Valley and plan their celebrations. We are in our 25th year! My wife and I run the biz out of our home. It has been an amazing ride!
  4. Get married, have a kid, buy a home. I met Bridget through some friends. We have had an great life together and she has been awesome. And a great biz partner as well. Our son Connor was a blessing. He is going to be a senior at San Diego St. This fall he will travel to Ireland for a semester abroad. In 1997, we purchased a beautiful, brand new home in the east bay. The street is very quiet as are our neighbors.
  5. Sail across the Pacific! I have been sailing the very windy SF bay for the last 33 years. I have also sailed the coast of Mexico many times. Chartered boats all over the Caribbean as well. In one year, 2 friends and I will depart for a sail to Australia. It will take 12 months to get there! We will sail the west coast of Mexico, Central America and then across the Pacific. Bridget will join us at some of the islands along the way. Bon voyage indeed.
  6. To sum things up: I have been blessed in my life in so many ways. My family growing up was very wonderful and I had a great childhood. I have worked hard all my life to make these dreams happen. I have stumbled several times and doors closed. However, through a positive attitude and being the optimistic person that I am, I have been able to shake it off and make my life better. I have been able to travel the world and enjoy the fruits of my labor. So start your own dreams! If I can do it, anybody can!!

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