Tuesday, August 01, 2017

The End is Near

Happy August everyone.  My boat partnership of 17 years is in it's last month.  I took out the new partner for a sail on Sunday and it was bittersweet.  I am getting ready to purchase a larger boat for a trip to Australia in 12 months.  I have had so many excellent sailing days on this Newport 30.  Trips up the delta, Napa, ballgames and all the friends and family I have taken for a sail.  Right now I have about 3-4 sail left this month.  I am attempting to hit all my favorite spots on the boat I love.  Last Monday was Sam's Restaurant in Tiburon.  On Sunday, it was a trip to Angel Island and some bocce.  I am hoping to head to Sausalito for a weekend in a few weeks.  And then it will end.  I have a very busy next few weeks including Burning Man.  It will be a sad day when I turn over the keys.  Here's to the 1000+ days I spent sailing her around the bay.  I depart with hopes that this 1981 edition has another 30 years or more of sailing days ahead of her.  Bon voyage my friend!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:02 AM

    It's hard to find well-informed people about this topic, but you sound like you
    know what you're talking about! Thanks
