Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Great Weekend of Sails

My friend Andy was in town and needed to get on the water for the weekend.  We headed up to the boat and hit the water about 3pm.  It was 18-20 out there and we were excited to take Aquarius out for a spin.  We spent a few hours getting out into the best part of the bay.  It was a great sail and one we did not want to end.  We came in as the sun set with big grins on our faces. 

Saturday, we had a crew of Mike, Mike, Andy and Tex.  It was light to start but built into the 20's.  The winds built into the mid 20's and we took lunch at Clipper Cove.  Kona needed a break and we paddled over to the beach.  Kona just loves romping around and fetching the stick.  Back at the boat, we head out once more.  Back at 5 for some Halloween activities and our first BBQ on the boat. 

Sunday was the best day.  Winds were a little lighter but in the mid teens.  Andy, Tex and I headed towards the city front for a long tack to Angel Island.  The music was just right as was the convo.  We found a slip and also found some water in the v-berth.  I cleaned that up and found the issue.   We headed to the picnic grounds for some Bocbee.  That's a game where we play Frisbee Golf and Bocce at the same time.  Very fun.  We hit the water once last time for the run home.  Out of the lee of Angel and we take off for a nice run home.  What a great weekend of sails.  I am loving the new boat!

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