Monday, October 02, 2017

The Girl Next Door

Big weekend!  I finished up my events (I am an event planner) for the week and the new boat was waiting for me in Sausalito.  I headed up about 8pm on a beautiful evening.  Loaded the boat and introduced Kona to the boat.  We hung out in the cockpit and enjoyed the moon and some great tunes.  In the morning, I met up with Tex and off we went by 11am.  The wind was building as we sailed across the slot with the Golden Gate Bridge gleaming in the sunlight.  We headed down the city front towards the ballpark.  We docked for a few minutes so Kona could have a walk.  As we returned to the boat, I had a fall as I was boarding.  Luckily I only scraped my elbow.  This boat is alot higher than the Addiction.  As we turned around to head out, Kona fell off the boat!  In over 500 sails he has never done this.  We got him on board quickly with no harm done. 

We continued down the coast in an 18 knot breeze.  Full sails up and we are hitting 8-9 knots consistently.  We are loving this boat!  We head up thru Racoon and all the way around Angel.  Now it's time to head to our old marina and Aquarius' new home.  We pull in to the slip with no issues.  I look across the fairway and their is my other favorite boat: Addiction!  What a great day and one of many we will have over the next year on the bay.  In September 2018, we head to Australia! The dream is beginning to unfold!

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