Saturday, December 23, 2017

Nightmare on La Vagabond

With their brand new cat almost going on the rocks, this lucky couple dodged a bullet.  Happy they are safe.

Took Aquarius over to the boat yard for some upgrades, paint the bottom and some maintenance work.  She will be in the yard for 3-4 weeks.  We have also made the decision not sail to Australia.  We want to retire in 3 years and if I took off for a year it would set us back a couple years financially.  At this time, I will have 7 months to head down the Cali coast and deep into Mexico.  My hope is that we can get the boat back to Cabo by April 2019.  In July, we hope to sail her back to her home port in SF.  We will save the Australia trip for retirement.  It's a step back but it will allow me to keep the boat and once we return, get some partners involved and reduce our costs dramatically.  It is still going to be an amazing adventure for my crew and I and they are both on board with the new plan.  Merry Christmas everyone.  

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