Friday, December 01, 2017

Pics of the Week

Had an amazing solo sail today.  Winds were 8 or so when I hit the bay.  Had a few tacks to get out in the central bay.  Wind was building to 10 and I thought about going out the Gate if things got better.  Wind changed dirction and more westerly so I head north abit.  The wind speed is hitting 14 as we bash back towards Treasure Island.  Once behind the island the waves calm down and we are on a beam reach.  As I head towards the barn, the wind continues to build and almost hits 20.  We tack and head out once more hitting 7.5 knots on the GPS. Very little pressure on the wheel so I lock it and off she goes.  It's truely amazing how good this boat feels.  We tack one last time for a sunset ride to the channel.  The forecast had been 5 and we got 20!

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