Friday, January 26, 2018

Black Pearl - Bigger and Badder

Similar to the Maltese Falcon in that she has a Dynarig (when the boat tacks, the masts rotate to adjust the sail angle).  The sails have solar panels on them and the prop spins to regenerate enrgy to the batts.  Pretty cool.  Only 12 guest berths for this massive beauty so it's quality of friends not quantity.  She was a steal at $150m!

Headed out for a short sail yesterday in mixed weather.  Lots of clouds and some sun with a 12 knot breeze.  The water turned white as some engery was moving in.  Was not sure what it was.  It hit the boat and turned out to be a dump of hail.  The cockpit was full of hail and I am in bare feet.  I headed for home and put away the boat.  As soon as I got to the car, the skies had cleared and it was amazing out there.  Always happens.

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