Friday, September 25, 2020

New Movie: The Race to Alaska

The brain trust that started the R2AK has now released their own documentary on the 700 mile race.  I just watched it from the Port Townsend Film Festival online.  It was a great film and one I highly recommend.  I love this race because of the challenge, danger and ingenuity that must be employed just to finish this race.  The first rule is no motors.  The second rule is that you are on your own if you get in trouble.  We have everything from Hobie 16's, paddle boards, rowers, cats, tris, and many others.  The race starts in Port Townsend, WA and finishes in Ketchikan, AK.  The racers can encounter currents of 15 knots in some areas, gale force winds, huge logs, and no wind at all.  I have no interest in doing a race like this, however, I love the spirit and the courage it takes to complete a race such as the R2AK.  This years race did not happen but hope is high for 2021.  Trailer below.

Go to the Port Townsend Film Festival website to watch, $12.  Worth every penny!

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