Sunday, November 01, 2020

California Summer Comes to an End

With our time and season changing, I thought I would jot down some highlights of the summer.  We are blessed with great weather into early November here in the SF Bay Area and this year has been spectacular.  The smoke has cleared, the days are bright and the wind continues to blow.  

Closing out the partnership of the boat with 2 new partners to make it a 4 partner boat.  July.

Getting my guy friends out for a sail over a long weekend along with the pups.

Getting our pup up to speed on being on the water.  Hana has been grreat and is turning into a good swimmer.

Saw a high wind speed of 38 knots near Angel in July with Andy and Tom.

A 5 day sojourn up to the Delta for the Delta Doo Dah.  We had a free slip for 3 nights and spent the days at Potato Slough.  I believe this was my 6th trip up there and it was great to have a chartplotter.

With the Bay Area on lock down, solo sailing was spectacular as many days I was the only boat on the bay.

A weekend trip with Andy to Aquatic Park and Angel.  We biked around the island for some amazing views of the Bay and the Mathew Turner schooner. 

Getting beach time with Hana every time we go out.

Bocce with Olivier and John at Angel.

Fixing the stove/oven!

Getting the boat varnished, waxed and buffed was huge.  Thanks Glenn!

Being the only boat at Clipper last week and romping on the beach with our new pup. 

A small Delaware reunion over Labor Day with a perfect sail.

An overnight on John's boat to China Camp with beach time and Hana.


The low point of the summer was getting some water in the fuel tank.  It was expensive and time consuming to clear the tank and get the engine running again. I sure learned alot about our fuel system.

The winds die off in the winter, however, we still have some nice 10-15 knot winds from time to time.  And the bay is always crisp and clear.  I really enjoy the lighter winds as 20-30 knot winds every day in the summer gets to be a bit much...but we love it anyway!



  1. Thanks for sharing your blessings!

  2. thanks for sharing your blessings!

  3. thanks for sharing your blessings!

  4. thanks for sharing your blessings!
