Monday, December 21, 2020

One Dramatic Pic!

Click the pic for an even more icredible view! Way back in 2008, Tom Perkins and his awesome 289 foot yacht, the Maltese Falcon, came to San Francisco. The masts were so tall that they had to wait for low tide to get under the 224 foot tall Golden Gate Bridge! They were here for a few weeks via Hawaii to support the Leukimea Cup. During their stay, a camper on Angel Island started a fire the ripped thru 3/4 of the island. The pic was taken from the Golden Gate Bridge. They also had a hit and run when a private sail boat ran right into this massive boat. The boat was built as a homage to the great Clipper Ships of the 1800's. The sails would drop from the yard arms with the push of a button. When the boat tacked, the masts would rotate with another button push. Too cool!

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