Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Year in Review

2020 stared off with some great days on the bay! Then the pandemic hit. Did some solo sailing with very few boats out. Summer was windy as usual with 20-25 almost eveytime I went out (38 knots was the highest). We lost our golden Kona in mid Febuary and it was a sad period. But in May, a new crew member arrived: Hana. She was 10 weeks old and we started heading to the boat a few weeks later. It took her a while to get used to the water but now she loves it. We headed to the beach almost every sail for a romp in the sand and a bathroom break. We both had a ball. She has been amazing and is almost 10 months now. Here are some of the high lights of my sailing year: Fixed abunch of stuff: stove, kill switch for engine, navigation light, steering noise, and a bunch of little stuff. Over night in a new location: Aquatic Park. You need a $10 permit from online but what a lovely spot. Tons of swimmers in the morning. Overnights at Clipper Cove and Angel Island. Added 2 partners in July to reduce costs. Last overnight at Angel with my favorite crewmate Tex. He is moving back home to Tennessee. We sailed together for 20 years and had many an adventure. He was also my 1st mate on our 7 month voyage to Mexico and back to SF. I will miss him greatly. Replaced broken inverter in Feb. Thanks Tex! Awesome NYE in SF with the boat parked next to the Dead and Co. concert with a fab dinner and show at the Chase. 5 day trip to the Delta with Tex and puppy Hana. Nice to finally have a chartplotter onboard! Bringing the boat back to bristol. Waxed, buffed and varnished. She looks terrific. Long weekend with my buds and dogs joining in on the fun. We sailed one day and hit the beach the next. Looking forward to 2021! Baja Haha (my 7th), a month in Monterey, head to the Channel Islands for a month, BVI's, and much more. I have realized with that the pandemic that life is short. I hope to increase my days chartering with Croatia and Greece on the radar. I know next year will be a whole lot better and hope it happens sooner rather than later.

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