Tuesday, January 05, 2021

Greeting from the Horn!

Charlie Dalin / Apivia Here is a discription of the emotions he felt sailing an endless ocean on the round the planet race, non stop, singlehanded called the Vendee Globe. "The big South is a special place. It's hostile, there is always sea, wind, more wind than you think. The wind is heavy, powerful because it is cold. It was a great experience: the permanent change of time and the tiredness, the depressions which follow one another, it is a jumble of feelings to be in the middle of nowhere, far from any civilization. I spoke to a fishing boat at the beginning of the Indian ocean, it was the only one that I met in the whole South. For 30 days, I saw no sign of human life. We forget our life before the south, just as we forget the life before the pandemic. I forgot about life before the Southern Ocean. The other boats no longer existed, the land no longer existed. You are in an endless world of water. It is unique in the world to be in a place where the closest people are the astronauts. Right now the contrast is stark like when I spoke with the lighthouse keeper a the Horn, I saw a British RAF plane that flew over me, and now the maritime traffic reappears. It is reminiscent of the movie Waterworld. I feel like I'm coming back from a water world where the land was a fantasy. I come back from another planet. I've been through things that I wouldn't have experienced anywhere else, obviously that will have an influence on me." He had just rounded the Horn and a slog thru the Indian Ocrean. He is currently in 2nd place with 6,400 nautical miles to go. About 18 days to go if they averaage 350 miles a day. Currently they are over 400 miles in a day!

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