Thursday, February 18, 2021

Aquarius Turns 20 Years Young

Here is a letter from my Jeanneau 40 on her birthday!
Greetings from your Birthday Boat! I was born in 2001 in La Harve, France and am writing you this note to celebrate 20 years of sailing the planet. I was purchased from the factory and sailed to the Caribbean by a young French couple, Mauro and Fredriqa. We sailed the islands for 2 years and then they dumped me! But, they wanted to start a family so I forgave them. I was sailed to Florida where I was promptly sold to Tom Durig in Sausalito. They dropped me on a truck bigger than me and across land we went. I had never gone so fast! We arrived at the docks and like a duck in water, I was floating again. It seemed I did a lot of that in Sausalito! Tom was a busy biotech CEO and had little time for me. However, he did take very good care of me with maintenance and upgrades. In 2017. a famed sailor from Emeryville stepped on board and I smiled with delight as he is known as a sailor’s sailor. We had a few sails that were fun and exciting including a boat load of folks for the Blue Angles show. Then it was off to the yard for 6 weeks. We still sailed on weekends and some of the upgrades felt good. I finally departed KKMI and to my new home in Emeryville. We sailed like crazy and we kept adding new stuff like the Rocna Vulcan anchor and lots of chain. My bimini came back on board as I had not seen that since the islands. Soon it was time to shove off for a 7 month voyage to Mexico and back! Departing mid September 2018, we had a marvelous 2 months in Cali and then crossed the boarder in November. The crew was kind to me and I kept them safe. In mid April 2019, we returned to the Golden Gate and all were safe and sound. What a splendid voyage indeed. I am currently part of a partnership and I love all the attention I am getting. I go out most weekends as well as during the week and sail in one of the most beautiful estuaries in the world! What could be better? Lastly, if you partners take care of me, I will take care of you! Bon voyage! Aquarius

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