Friday, December 24, 2021

Reflections on the year: 2021

Started the year with some great winter sails. I love "winter". Temps 55, sunny and warm, winds 12-15. A nice break from the constant 25-30 we get from April to Late September. Our 1 year old pup, Hana is a joy on the boat. We head to the islands most days and swim to the beach for a romp in the sand. We took out Hana's siblings and our friends several times and the dogs are becoming great swimmers. One day we showed up at Clipper Cove and Hana's sister was on the beach. As soon as we got within 500 yards, Hana could smell and see her on the beach. We anchored and Hana swam to the beach and the dogs went nuts. We sailed to 3 baseball games over the summer and the Giants were on fire. Took out a bunch of friends as usual for day sails. Signed up two new partners, one in March and one in October. We have a total of 4. We had the engine looked over in late March and it took a while to get the heat exchanger installed. It all worked out and she is purring like a large lion. We had lots of sailing in 30 plus knots this summer. Took out my guy friends for a weekend of sails in June with great success and dinner aboard. Got a request from my old friend Yvonne and we took out a bunch of her friends for an afternoon sail out of Sam's. Had a great couple of days with my friend Dave and we stayed over in Sausalito for the night. Next day we were up early to bike around Angel Island. What a beautiful ride with a 360 tour of the SF Bay. We are in a rainy period as the holidays arrive. I have one more over night coming up before the New Year with Frank and Andy. I figure I was on the water about 100 days plus this year! Here's to a great 2022! Here is a video blogger I watch every now and then.

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