Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sailing Surfer Girl

For anyone who has ever felt slightly jealous of this trip at one point or another, now is your time to take solace. Swell and I have now been in polluted Panama City for over two weeks without a ridable wave in sight after a nearly flat February, an ear infection prior to that…and, okay, I'm sorry…I'll stop whining. It's amazing, though, how much the lack of wave-riding opportunities affects me. On a quest to constantly quench my surf-greedy thirst, I find myself comparing my wave tallies to those of other surfers I know. As soon as my quotas drop to dangerously low numbers, even a small setback on the way to the waves seems much more severe than it might at another time. Lately, I have found myself wondering whether my idea to 'sailing around the world to surf' has actually afforded me higher 'wave-riding' to 'the rest of life' ratios than I would have encountered had I chosen another strategy. Yes, I know this all sounds dramatic, and no, I don't regret a single second I have spent out of the surf to keep my dream floating…literally...but I would consider my last two weeks as being in 'the trenches' of the trip. When I step back, though, I can see that in the bigger picture it's just a small hurdle and I will go on believing that the harder I work to make this all happen, the more I will eventually be rewarded!

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