Thursday, April 05, 2007

Two Years!!

It was two years ago this month that two accidents on the bay occured on the same weekend and inspired me to start this blog. The first was an accident that took place at the Golden Gate. Two guys were out on their Santana 22 and heading in towards the south tower. There was a nice swell that day and they got too close to shore when a huge set came in. The boat got caught in the wave and tumbled in towards shore. The sailors were ok but the boat demasted and sank. The amazing part of the story was there was a photographer on the shore with a high speed camera and he captured the whole thing on film. Once he posted the pics, it exploded over the internet and he had to hook up to a new server to handle the millions of hits he was getting. I still have the highlights of his photos on my original blog on the rightside and down abit. See the pics here.

The other accident happened a mile away during the singlehanded Farallones Race. One of the sailors was headed in towards the Gate with his spinnaker up. He broached in a gust and the spinnaker pinned him down on the water and he was unable to release it. Try to imagine his horror. His hot racing machine is headed towards a rocky shore and there is nothing he can do. He jumped and was rescued, while his boat ended up on the rocks.

When I saw these two accidents in the news the next day, I thought about creating this blog. I had been reading Horses Mouth and Wetass for a few months and it all just came together. It has been a very fun project for me and I am still enjoying sharing some of the cool stuff I read about and find on the internet. I encourge my readers to start your own blog! It's free, it's easy and very cool.

Here is my all time favorite bonehead move on the water. This kiter gets lifted off the beach and flies 100 feet in the air and hangs on for dear life! Hope you guys have enjoyed some of my posts!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm definately enjoying the blog. Keep the crackups coming...
