Friday, March 21, 2008

Three Years

Click the pic!

H2uh0 had it's humble beginings 3 years ago this month. Several boat accidents in one weekend on the bay inspired me to start this blog. They say a blogger's year is like a dog year so that means I am closer to 21 blog years old! Not bad. Here is a look back at the blog when I first started, compliments of Hope you all are enjoying the posts and keep coming back for more. I am off for a ski week during spring break and will return the end of March! Be sure to check out the archives and listen to h2uh0 radio on the right. Happy vernal equinox!


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Congratulations. 3 years is a hell of a feat. Keep it going I love reading your stuff

  2. Congrats! Keep up the good work!

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Congrats on three years! I've not visited in a while (my bad) but love the turtle pic. Hope you had a great ski trip and enjoyable spring break.
