Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Gitana 13 to Japan

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The 110 foot cat has departed the bay and is off on an another record breaking run across the Pacific. Having just broken the old clipper route from New York to SF, the weather gods are smiling on the crew as they reel off mile after mile at speeds peaking in the 30 knot range. The boys at Lat38 had the ride of their life when they went out for a spin on this amazing record breaker. With wind speeds in the 15's, they went under the Gate and the boat explodes to 30 knots as they cracked off the main. Could you imagine? Wish I had an invite! Read the full report here.
Also, while you are there, sign up for 'Lectronic Laitude. The thrice weekly west coast sailing info email that will keep you up to date on the sailing world as it happens. It's free and fun!

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