Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Burning Man 2014

I was one of the lucky ones to attend the Back Rock City annual bacchanal.  I have been wanting to go for about 10 years and made it up there with a camp of 30 like minded folks.  Half the group were virgins and the other half burners.  We had a great camp with small groups preparing fine meals each night.  The highlight was our mutant vehicle. The Bioluminesent Slug got us to all the right spots at the right time!  District (daytime dance party with free drinks), deep playa, Thunder Dome, Bar Up, The Temple, and many more.  At the Temple I saw a wedding and a funeral happening at the same time.  We would head out for a few hours each day and a few more each night on the Slug.  Picking up strangers was a treat as there were folks from all over the planet.

How do you describe it to someone who has not been there?  Well, its like trying to explain sex to a virgin (pun intended).  You can talk about it all day and they will still not have a clue.  You just have to do it!  The nights on the playa would be the most difficult to explain.  The lights, art cars, exhibits and the people all come alive at night.

The weather was not too bad, although we did have a major wind storm on Friday for Critical Tits.  If you don't know, don't ask.  Not too hot and not cold at all.  The sunsets were very nice from the second level of the Slug. 

Some of the DJ set ups were outrageous.  The music was thumping trough the night until about 6 or 7am.  We saw a Burning Man only band called Cross Roads that was amazing.  There was a ton more including Thievery Corporation.

If you have never been and are slightly interested, I would say go!  You will have the time of your life.  We decided that this was the party of the year and I hope to see you next time!!

1 comment:

  1. Solid try at describing the indescribable, excellent photos!
